
Do you feel that you are Tableau Expert? Then try this challenge 23

Hello All…

I am back with new challenge. This is very common scenario. Example finding customers who purchased in 2017 and purchased in other year. Similarly, customers who purchased milk also purchased bread like that.

If you have this kind of challenges or looking for tableau expert help in your work reach me on

Note: Please download the Data from below link to solve this challenge. If you use this data, results should match with images posted.

Below you can see number of customers over the years trend.

There are 637 customers who purchased in 2013.

Now I would like to know how many of these 637 customers purchased in other years. See below image. Out of these 637 customers, 484 customers purchased in 2011. Similarly, 451 and 557 customers in 2012 and 2017 respectively.

More examples for year parameter and Region filter changes.

For more challenges: Click Here
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